Bungong Jeumpa

Mie aceh, acar, and cane susu
Welcome back to IndoliciousFoody! Three days ago (saturday night) I went to Bungong Jeumpa (Aceh culinary restaurant) with my wife. It's located at Prof. Herman Yohanes street, Terban, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta. Btw I never ate mie aceh before.

The colour of the restaurant is dominanted by red. The place is quite big; there's second floor. And there're so many waiters; they're so kind. All the waitress are wearing hijab.

There're so many menus. We ordered the economical package (it saves IDR 5.000; it contains mie aceh, cane susu, and teh tarik) and an aceh coffee. I ordered the mie aceh's soup to be between fried and boiled like my wife suggested.

The mie aceh soup is so tick (maybe it contains coconut milk) and tastes so spicy! I didn't expect it before. It has a really strong taste from the flavours. But it tastes quite sweet and sour.

Mie Aceh

The soup has pure brown colour. The season tastes like the season from nasi goreng kambing. I think it has a lot of pepper and herbs. It has rich of flavours and oil.

I saw some raw peanuts, fresh bean sprouts, little cubic sliced cucumber, cabbage, leek, and celery in my mie aceh. It tastes so crunchy. And the noodle feels soft.

Acar and crackers
I got an acar, big sliced cucumbers, and crackers on different plate. The acar has some sliced carrot, cucumber, and onion in it. Of course the acar tastes sour from the vinegar.

You can feel nauseated if you don't like food with strong flavours. I didn't expect to feel so full to finish the mie aceh.

Aceh coffee

The Aceh coffee has a unique smell. It tastes so sour. My wife really likes it. I didn't get used to drink many kinds of coffee before.

I tried the cane susu when it starts to get cold, so it feels quite hard (better when it's still hot). The texture was beautiful, crispy and chewy. It has a lot of layers. Some part (has a lot of layers) feels solid, others feel crunchy. The chocolate milk is blended with the cane.
Cane susu

The teh tarik feels really tick and has a lot of foam on it. It contains tea and milk. And it tastes so sweet (maybe too sweet).

Teh tarik
All of our foods and drinks cost IDR 38.000. It's so cheap, I think. Btw the restaurant opens from 08:00 am untill 10:00 pm. Remember that almost all the foods and drinks here have strong taste! Haha.

Thanks for coming to IndoliciousFoody, guys! Have you ever eaten food from Aceh? You can tell me on the comment section bellow. See you later!

"Bungong Jeumpa is a flower that grows across Aceh"
"Don't even you dare saying that you love spicy foods if you haven't been Bungong Jeumpa"
"Don't even dare saying that you love spicy foods if you haven't been to Bungong Jeumpa"


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