Sate Klatak Pak Bari Part 1

All the foods are ready!
What's up! Welcome back to IndoliciousFoody! Three days ago (Tuesday night) I went to warung (small restaurant) Sate Klatak Pak Bari, with my wife. It's located in Wonokromo traditional market, KM 10 Imogiri Timur street, Pleret, Bantul. Here, all the foods made of goat meat, guys!

The warung becomes more popular because it has been used for shooting location of AADC2 (Ada Apa dengan Cinta 2) movie. But I've never seen the movie, though. Hehe.

Here, they have some carry cart to put some seasons in it (maybe for illustrating the history of the warung). The place is quite big. There're more than 10 tables and some tikar/mats. And there're five waiters; they're so kind.

We ordered tongseng, sate klatak, and two hot orange juice. But because the orange was out so we got two hot tea. That's fine. The tea was served first.

Btw tongseng usually has stir-fry cooking. It has some vegetables and soup. It's one of the most popular traditional foods from Indonesia (especially java island).

The cooks was cooking using three anglos (traditional stove with arang/dry wood as fuel) here. One anglo was just for cooking (burning) sate klatak; with a little fan.

Goat meat being hanged
I think the warung starts to open when the traditional market has closed. There were sounds from crickets and the waitres (speak to each other in javanese). The place was so calming. The atmosphere was so relaxing and humble.
Talking about the tongseng: the tongseng soup is quite thick, it has a lot of sweet soy sauce and pepper. The colour is dark (brown). The texture of the tongseng is quite rich. It has some tomato, cabbage, fat, big sliced goat meat, uric, and liver. The meat feels quite tough. The soup tastes so good, guys. And the tongseng tastes more good with raw green chili. Delicious!

Next: sate klatak


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