Bubur Ayam Jakarta Satria Komeng

What's up! Back again in IndoliciousFoody with me Rizky Darmawan (IG: dahlanrizky)!

Have you ever heard about Bubur Ayam Satria Komeng? This foodtruck is quite new but has many costumers, though. It's located at KM 7,2 Imogiri Timur street, Banguntapan, Bantul (eastern of the road); in the yard of a curtain shop (Java Gordyne). Still, it's close to a place where I live. Hehe. It's beside a small booth that sells organic porridge for baby (bebiluck).
Btw Indonesia has a lot of kinds of bubur ayam (chicken porridge), so each bubur ayam is different. There are bubur ayam from Bandung, Jakarta, Cirebon, Cianjur, Manado, Sukabumi, and maybe from another places. This morning is the time for bubur ayam from Jakarta (let's say bubur ayam Jakarta)!

Btw there's a smoke when I came here this morning, but just for a while. I don't know why many people in Bantul like to burn something (sometimes a trash). It's like 24 hours living in the smoke to live here. *intermezzo* Hehe

This place is so small. There're just one long single table (about 2 x 1/2 m), 7 chairs, and a tikar/mat (in the Java Gordyne terrace). Maybe it can fit up to 10 people but maybe they will be elbowing each other. Hmm. The seller manages all the process in the warung by himself (from preparing the bubur ayam untill washing the bowls). Superb.

Uniquelly, there're sugar, a pot of tea, and a pot of hot water, and a couple of glasses on the table. People can make a tea by themselves. The tea is free if it's made without sugar. Yiha :p

The porridge of bubur ayam Jakarta is thick compared to the porridge from bubur ayam Bandung. And the chicken, it's just meat (there's no skin) and it has been peeled so thin, so it tastes great. Haha. It uses soy sauce but does not taste too sweet like many other bubur ayam in Jogja; it's more tasteful or salty i guess.

All the ingredients have been prepared before so they just have to be put together. But still, sometimes we have to wait quite long because there're many people buying more than one bubur ayam (to take away). The bubur ayam will be placed on onionskin and styrofoam if you choose take away order.

So many sliced raw leek. Some other ingredients that I know: fried peanuts, cracks (placed on the top of bubur ayam), soy sauce, small sliced cakwe/chinese doughnut, fried onions, yellow sauce *I don't know what's the name* (made from complete bumbu dapur/herbs), sliced chicken meat, and... yeah. That's it, I think :p
I usually mix the bubur ayam (plus chili sauce). But some people don't like to mix it, maybe because they don't want the texture of the food (especially the crackers) isn't authentic. Overall if we mix the bubur ayam it's still feels smooth. Great.

There're chili sauce, soy sauce, and extra "yellow sauce" on the table. There're also satay: ati, usus, and jeroan; they're all internal organ from chicken stomach - maybe cooked with turmeric or something like the ingredients of sauce from an opor food *I never try the satay*.
Btw some warung (small restaurant) don't have satay that match for their bubur ayam; their satay taste weird because it tastes so sweet - it has the bacem process (steeped prior to cooking). But maybe the satay in this warung matches the bubur ayam because the colour is yellow (not brown/have bacem

The portion is quite big. I felt so full just to eat one bubur ayam and drink a *big* glass (a normal size glass in Indonesia) of tea. Btw I love the season, it's delicious and this bubur ayam makes my self want to eat it again and again and...

The chicken porridge price is just 7.000 IDR and the hot tea is just 2.000 IDR. It's so cheap, guys :). I love to live in Bantul. FYI there is bubur ayam that pass through a place where I live with a cart, and it only costs 6.000 IDR. Wow.
The bubur ayam Jakarta foodtruck usually open from 06:00 am untill 9:30 or 10:00 am. So you still have a chance if you wake up at 09:00 am. Haha.

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for coming to IndoliciousFoody! I'll post another review about another foods. Stay tune, have a great day, and see you later!


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