Brongkos Koyor Handayani

Hello! How are you, guys? Yesterday I went to warung makan Handayani. It's one of traditional warung (small restaurant) in Jogja. It's located at Gading street no. 2, Kraton, Yogyakarta. Let's go!

Nasi Brongkos Handayani is quite popular in Jogja. It has been covered several times in local media, including: Kabare (the title: Brongkos Alkid-Menu Kacangan Bikin Ketagihan), Wisata Kuliner Trans TV, and Kedaulatan Rakyat (the title: Brongkos Koyor Resep Khusus yang Ngangeni).

The place is so small, about 3,5 x 3,5 meters (for the customers). There're just four long tables and eight long chairs.

You can feel the atmosphere from eating with local people in this humble warung. I saw two foreign tourists yesterday, btw.
Brongkos is of one of traditional foods from Indonesia. It uses beef, soy bean, tofu, unsliced chili, and sometimes melinjo. You'll be asked to choose an egg or koyor/fat after order it here.

It has similiar ingredients with rawon (traditional food from East Java) but using coconut milk, therefore it's thick. The brongkos looks quite dark (it's a dark brown) because it uses kluwak; but isn't as dark as rawon.

I don't know why there's no soy bean and tofu in my brongkos yesterday, but usually there are. Maybe because I chose koyor; not the egg one.

There's a lot of sliced meat and koyor on a little bowl (including one boiled big chili). The brongkos is on a bowl (separated from the rice and one big shrimp crackers).

The brongkos soup tastes so sweet (too sweet if you try it without rice) and has a unique taste from the kluwak. The meat feels so tender, it's like you don't even need to chew it. The koyor is so smooth, it feels so fragile in my mouth. The soup tastes a little bit hot because of the chili.

I'm lucky, the warung wasn't closed yet. I think I was the last customer that came out from the warung yesterday. The warung usually opens from 07:00 am untill about 05:00 pm or faster.

Total cost is 25.000 IDR (one brongkos + one hot tea). Btw there're other foods besides brongkos here, including: soto ayam, rames, and pecel. But the most popular is the brongkos.

That's it. Thanks for coming in IndoliciousFoody, guys! Wait for the next posts!


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